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Datamodel Reference

Datamodel Reference

This is a reference guide for the Padas Datamodels, which can be used as a convention for easy integration with out-of-the-box PADAS rules as well as integrations with external systems.

The sections below provide detailed field information regarding these datamodels.

Endpoint Listening Port

Datamodel Name: EndpointListeningPort

Field Name Data Type Description Example
dest string The endpoint on which the port is listening.
dest_port string Network port listening on the endpoint 80
process_guid string The globally unique identifier of the process assigned by the vendor_product. {f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6}
process_id string The numeric identifier of the process assigned by the operating system. 456
src string The "remote" system connected to the listening port (if applicable).
src_port string The "remote" port connected to the listening port (if applicable). 4567
state string The status of the listening port listening established
transport string The network transport protocol associated with the listening port tcp
user string The user account associated with the listening port. LOCALSYSTEM

Endpoint Process

Datamodel Name: EndpointProcess

Field Name Data Type Description Example
action string The action taken by the endpoint access
access_level string Permissions level at which the target process is accessed. 0x40
call_trace string The stack trace showing the context of a process open/access call. C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+a5594
dest string The endpoint for which the process was spawned.
parent_process string All of the arguments passed to the parent process upon execution. C:\path\example.exe /flag1
parent_process_exec string The executable name of the parent process example.exe
parent_process_guid string The globally unique identifier of the parent process assigned by the vendor_product. {f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6}
parent_process_id string The numeric identifier of the parent process assigned by the operating system. 837
parent_process_path string The file path of the executable associated with this parent process. C:\path\to\example.exe
process string All of the arguments passed to the process upon execution. C:\path\example.exe /flag1
process_current_directory string The absolute path to the current working directory of the process. c:\windows\system32\
process_exec string The executable name of the process example.exe
process_guid string The globally unique identifier of the process assigned by the vendor_product. {f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6}
process_hash string The digests of the contents of the file located at processPath by using md5, sha1, etc. 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3
process_id string The numeric identifier of the process assigned by the operating system. 837
process_integrity_level string The Windows integrity level associated with the process. MUST be one of: low, medium, high, or system. medium
process_path string The file path of the executable associated with this process. C:\path\to\example.exe
user string The user account that spawned the process. LOCALUSER
user_id string The unique identifier of the user account which spawned the process. For Windows, this is the security identifier, sid S-1-5-18

Endpoint Service

Datamodel Name: EndpointService

Field Name Data Type Description Example
action string The action performed on the service. create
dest string The endpoint on which the service is installed.
name string The name of the service. RpcSs
parent_process_id string The numeric identifier of the parent process assigned by the operating system. 837
process string All of the arguments passed to the process upon execution. C:\path\example.exe /flag1
process_exec string The executable name of the process example.exe
process_guid string The globally unique identifier of the process assigned by the vendor_product. {f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6}
process_hash string The digests of the contents of the file located at processPath by using md5, sha1, etc. 2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed
process_id string The numeric identifier of the process assigned by the operating system. 837
process_path string The file path of the executable associated with this process. C:\path\to\example.exe
start_mode string The start mode for the service. disabled
status string The status of the service. started
user string The user account that spawned the process. LOCALUSER
user_id string The unique identifier of the user account which spawned the process. For Windows, this is the security identifier, sid S-1-5-18

Endpoint File

Datamodel Name: EndpointFile

Field Name Data Type Description Example
action string The action performed on the resource. create
dest string The endpoint on which the filesystem activity takes place.
file_creation_time string The creation time of the file 05/14/2015 12:47:06
file_hash string The digests of the contents of the file located at filePath by using md5, sha1, etc. 2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed
file_group string The group owner of the file admin
file_group_id string The group ID of the file 801
file_mode string The mode or permissions set of the file. 0644 (linux) or NTFS ACL
file_name string The name of the file. MyWordDoc.docx
file_owner string The username of the owner of the file. adam
file_owner_id string The user ID or SID of the owner of the file. 501
file_path string The full path to the file on the file system. C:\users\fakeuser\documents\MyFile.docx
parent_process_id string The numeric identifier of the parent process assigned by the operating system. 837
process string All of the arguments passed to the process upon execution. C:\path\example.exe /flag1
process_exec string The executable name of the process example.exe
process_guid string The globally unique identifier of the process assigned by the vendor_product. {f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6}
process_id string The numeric identifier of the process assigned by the operating system. 837
process_path string The file path of the executable associated with this process. C:\path\to\example.exe
user string The user account that spawned the process. LOCALUSER
userId string The unique identifier of the user account which spawned the process. For Windows, this is the security identifier, sid S-1-5-18

Endpoint Registry

Datamodel Name: EndpointRegistry

Field Name Data Type Description Example
action string The action performed on the resource. create
dest string The endpoint on which the port is listening.
process string All of the arguments passed to the process upon execution. C:\path\example.exe /flag1
process_guid string The globally unique identifier of the process assigned by the vendor_product. {f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6}
process_id string The numeric identifier of the process assigned by the operating system. 456
registry_hive string The logical group of keys, subkeys, and values in the registry. HKEY_CURRENT_USER
registry_key string The registry key specified in the event. Similar to a folder in a traditional file system. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RpcSs
registry_value_name string The descriptive name for the data being stored in the key. InstalledVersion
registry_value_data string The contents of the value, typically a text string. %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k rpcss
registry_value_type string The type of data being stored in the value. Types include binary data, 32 bit numbers, strings, etc. REG_SZ
status string The outcome of the registry action. failure
user string The user account associated with the listening port. LOCALSYSTEM